By the way, this bingka is fresh off the oven, so I thought might as well share it with you all.
The recipe itself is super simple je. Tapi sebab time nak campur-campur bahan tu takde ambik gambar, I'll just show the end result je la OK!:) Ala lagipun takat bingka ni rasanya semua orang boleh buat. Mizz Ray je nyebok nak masukkan dalam blog.
Why is it a super simple recipe? Ye la, I just mix mashed pumpkin yang telah direbus (half of small pumpkin) with some sugar and salt. In another bowl, some low-fat milk (sepatutnya orang guna santan tau, but I opted for the healthier version, so guna susu je la), and then 3 bijik telur. Once sufficiently mixed, masukkan telur + susu ni dalam mashed pumpkin tadi, stir well. Dah tu masukkan pulak about 3/4 glass of flour.

Ni la rupa bancuhan tadi. Whisk it so that takde gumpalan tepung. The texture should not be too cair, and neither should it be too flour-y.
Meanwhile, get the oven ready by pre-heating it at 200. At the same time, prepare the acuan, lengserkan dengan butter. Masukkan bancuhan dalam acuan, then masukkan dalam oven dan bakar selama 40-45 minit atau bila dah agak-agak elok masak la. Bukan apa, ada orang suka kalau tepi tu hitam and berkerak. I love my bingka tu be berkerak tau, best je:)

Ready to be baked...

And fresh out of the oven, ready to be eaten:)

Bon apetit!

bon apetit! hehe.. teringat cerita julie and julia... :D
ReplyDeletebtw, your bingka labu nampak sangat cun ok.. mesti moist and lemak2 gitu kan...thanks for sharing...
Rajin!! :-)
ReplyDeleteWelcome:) Memang agak moist. My mum pesan kalau buat kuih bingka ni tepung takyah banyak sangat, unless kalau kuih bakar tu la..(yg kaler hijau then banyak sesame kat atas dia tu)
Sementara mood masak ni bertiup kencang layankan aje la..Esok-esok bila kena demam M ha susah la..segalanya nak tapau atau mintak delivery. Errkkss...