Almost one year later, it's progressing very well, insyaAllah tak lama lagi siap la. Rasa tak sabar pun ada jugak, but I think now I'm more eager to move in because of work requirement. More about it later.
Anyway, a few weeks ago I went to the site again, saja-saja nak tengok progress my house macam mana, and I also went to the developer's office to sign the Syabas form. My friend Syahrul pun ikut sekali because he wanted to see my house, so kitorang pergi ke showroom la, which is also situated at the site. He also fell in love with the house!! But of course la, bila developer dah hias elok-elok showroom tu, mesti la semua orang suka kan?
Here are some of the progress photos from the developer's website yer..:)..Sorry, my own photo pun lebih kurang macam tu jugak la...except theirs is of higher quality kot.

Ni kat main entrance. Tu la guard house. Nanti kena masuk guna security card. Biasa la tu.. Then jangan terkejut tengok sculpture of wild animals kat situ. My area ni diorang buat landscaping ala-ala resort/theme park gitu...:) Kat main entrance ni pun siap ada sculpture of girrafe, dah tu gajah and tah apa lagi tak ingat pulak:D
Ngam-ngam kat belakang ni pulak ada tasik. Ala, tasik bekas lombong je, but I was told that time weekend memang banyak water activities kat sini, like people main jet ski, orang memancing. Tapi kan, a few months ago, dengar-dengar ada orang pegi bunuh diri kat tasik tu. Errkks...Dia sengaja bawak kereta dia masuk tasik tu:(..Ishhh...

Yang ni pulak bird's eye view of the swimming pool. Ada adult pool, kiddie pool, and siap ada 8-shape double loop slide. Weee...seronoknya!!Nanti best la main kat pool ni!! Dah tak payah pegi Sunway Lagoon dah! Tapi Mizz Ray tak reti berenang la... Ala tu takpe, tu belakang kira. Yang penting boleh enjoy main air kat situ kann. Yang tinggi tu adalah watch tower. Boleh pegi lepak kat situ feeling-feeling jadi lifeguard Baywatch ke, nak skodeng orang dating ke, or nak dating kat tower ni pun boleh kot hahahhaha...

Ni la bendalah double loop tu;)

Kiddie pool. Ni la tempat Mizz Ray berendam kot kalau terdaya nak pergi swimming pool tu kan? Yang macam cendawan tu adalah shower umbrella. Nanti air turun dari bumbung tu kot;)

Bangunan depan tu pulak clubhouse. I reaally hope the maintenance service is tiptop kat sini. Make sure whatever I paid for is well-maintained, jangan hangat-hangat taik ayam je kan?

Life-sized animal scupltures with water sprouts gitu...;)

Ni pulak adult pool. Macam besar je kan? Nampak tak tangga-tangga tu??Hehehe mesti I will spend more time there and mandi-mandi berenang anjing kat tepi tu je kot kalau masuk adult pool ni.

Ni the overall view of the pool, jumping waters and scultures. My block will be antara yang kat belakang tu kalau tak silap.

That's how our blocks look like. Ala, apartment biasa-biasa je:). Walk-up pulak tu. I can't wait to move in here. Rasanya baru sekarang I feel more excitement about obtaining this place. Plus the desperation in relation to the work requirement la kan?
Sekarang dah bolehla start survey sikit-sikit bab nak deko ni. Errkks...duit nak deko pun takde, so now I'm focusing on earning more money and saving up so that at least I can make this new place livable nanti. Bab nak engage kontraktor ke ID ke mungkin pikir kemudian. Rumah pun tak siap lagi. Almost je tu.
So insyAllah bila Ray dah pindah sana nanti, sesiapa yang sudi tu meh la datang bertandang. Jangan lupa bawak buah tangan yer??Hhahahahhaha...(gurau je). I'll be very happy to welcome you and serve my food to you.
*P.S- Oopss..lupa pulak, just wanna congratulate my darling friend Juwita for finally popping out her princess yesterday;). Sweet baby girl (I don't wanna reveal her name here, let her Mama do it herself la kan), welcome to the world:)

wow bestnya pool dia nampak macam theme park dah hehe.. berenang tak susah... belajar lah nanti boleh hari2 berenang.. its a good exercise kan..
Rasa semangat aje kan bila tgk rumah nak siap? Semangat jugak tengah kira duit dlm tabung -kitchen cabinet + grill dan segala benda yg nak kena buat :) betul. Takpun like I said, nanti berenang anjing je la kan hhahaha. Yeps like theme park gitu:)
ReplyDeleteHa'ahh excited gak bila pikirkan nak masuk rumah baru ni. Tapi bila pikirkan duit yg nak keluar, tak cukup lagi, terus pening huhuhuhu...
Apapun just fokus nak berusaha je la mintak2 ada rezeki tuhan permudahkan rezeki kita sempena nak masuk rumah sendiri ni;)