I've had a great weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday were spent in the loving company of friends, makan-makan, gelak-gelak, window shopping at IKEA, drooled over Russell Crowe in 'Robin Hood', but otherwise this is how I've been feeling:

Exactly like how that girl is feeling. My left cheek hurts. I don't know whether I'm having ulcer in there, or if a wisdom tooth is about to peek out (I wouldn't know, I haven't had any wisdom teeth yet).
In addition, my left jaw is horribly sore. Since Friday evening, I couldn't open my mouth wide, which means I cannot really enjoy my food, and I have to be extra careful when chewing. Kena kunyah slow-slow. Nasib baik boleh gelak-gelak lagi. Tapi sebijik macam gambar kat atas.
The worst part of my current mouth problem is, my left tonsil is also swollen:((..

Dah tu, I think due to the erratic weather, I've also had spats of migraine attacks. Aaaarrggghh...!

On Saturday evening, I had school friends coming over to my place for lunch. But after they left, dapat pulak migraine attack. In my area, last Saturday was scorching hot. Memang berdenyut rasanya kepala. I tried to sleep in front of the TV (very low volume, living room gelap) and despite very little success (sebab susah nak tidur) at least dapat jugakla gagahkan diri masuk blik, jumpa panadol sebijik and telan. Alhamdulillah, not long after that the pain subsided little by little.
So the dilemma now is, sekarang kat dalam office, tapi I can feel the onset of another migraine attack:(..
Kalau nak jumpa doktor pun, I don't know if I should go see my GP, or run to the dentist. So how leehhh...?
*All pics googled

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