Dah lama tak tunjuk aksi Mizz Ray ke dapur kan?? Bukan takde masak kat rumah, tapi sebab takde major project sangat. Tu belum lagi occassional malas time when I do is dial the number for meal delivery je hehehhe...
Anyway, I've also discovered the wonder that is induction cooker! Thus bersemangat balik masuk ke dapur, even masak awal pagi nak bawak bekal ke office (yes, I bring my own food to the office now, and I keep my cooking healthy and easy peasy). And using induction cooker makes the cooking time shorter and more efficient.
Siakap StimSo anyway, last week I had great craving (yess...one of my famous cravings made a demand last week) for fish. And so happened that one night after gym I found fresh siakap at Tesco. So belila sekor. Sedihnya, beli sekor je? Yela..bajet sorang makan je mahhh...And of course, when it comes to siakap, nothing beats steaming it ya?
OK OK better get back to the cooking. A few days after I bought the siakap I went to the morning Pasar Tani near my work place and bought some belimbing tunjuk. Belimbing tunjuk kan nama belimbing kecik masam yang sebesar jari tu kan? So I thought maybe I can improvise sikit and letak sekali this belimbing dekat my steamed siakap.
Then over the weekend I invited a friend over to 'help me eat the food'. Best tak?? Ada assistant nak makan hehehe..Lain kali kalau sesapa nak volunteer tolong Mizz Ray makan jangan malu jangan segan sampaikan hajat di hati OK!:)
Mari layan gambar:

Bahan-bahan 'sampah' untuk stim ikan ni: Bawang kecil, bawang putih, halia, belimbing tunjuk, sebijik tomato (
not in picture), cili, serai-semua bahan ni dihiris.

Ikan siakap ler...Mizz Ray takde steamer, so I had to make do with my multicooker. So I just cut the fish into half. Put it in an aluminium foil.

Gaul bahan-bahan yang dah dihiris tadi dengan seasoning of your choice-in my case they're white pepper, salt and a bit of ajinomoto. Sikit je OK. Lepas tu boleh la letak kat atas ikan tadi:)

Ni la rupa siakap yang dah ready untuk distim:). Jangan lupa boil the water and get your steamer ready ya..

Ni pulak rupa my siakap stim. Bestnya..lemak sedap ikan ni memang tak boleh nak cakap la. And good to know that it's steamed and there's absolutely no use of oil at all.
Labu Rebus BelacanThis is one very simple rebus dish (kira sayur la kan..?) that I thought is a nice company for the steamed siakap tu. Really simple and easy to do.
Let's check out the bahan-bahan:)

Labu, diced. Should be of similar size so that nanti masak pun serata.

Bahan-bahan lain very simple-bawang kecil, bawang putih, fresh chilli (
kalau nak lagi pedas guna je cili padi), belacan sikit, udang kering sikit (
rendam dulu)

Bila udang kering dah lembut sikit, toskan and together with all the other ingredients, sila la tumbuk:D. Sementara tu, you can start rebus the pumpkin tadi in moderate heat. Labu ni rupa je macam keras, tapi cepat gak lembut bila direbus kan?
So ngam-ngam bila dah siap menumbuk, labu pun agak-agak dah separuh lembik, tinggal masukkan saja bahan-bahan tumbuk tadi combine dengan labu tu.

Tunggu kejap je then once everything is thoroughly cooked, it's now ready to serve:)

Sorry ye bahasa pun memang rojak habis la, but kalau dah lapar, rojak pun rojak la...
Bon apetit!!