Ya I know...I know...This was about two weekends ago, and I don't understand why it took me this long to post about my trip home for my cousin's wedding. But better late than never:)
So Mz. Ray pun balik la dengan excitednya ke Kuching pada 4/12/09 sebab sepupu kawin. Mesti la kena balik, she's like my sister kan. Bukan apa, kitorang kazen-mengazen ni tak ramai, so hubungan pun memang macam adik beradik. Kalau tak balik, kecik hati pulak Pak Usu.
My flight that morning was supposed to depart at 11.45am, ETA Kuching agak-agak dalam pukul 1.30pm. So awal paginya tu, I drove to Kamal's place so that I could leave my car and then lepas tu mintak tolong dia hantar kat LRT station. Reached Kamal's place dalam lebih kurang pukul 7.15am, then sementara tunggu dia bersiap main-main lagi dengan Baby and Boboy, his kittens. He sent me to LRT Asia Jaya, and Alhamdulillah tunggu train pun tak lama. Tapi yang tak syoknya sebab masa tu peak hour, so there were lots of commuters on their way to work. Rasa macam sardin je on the way to KL Central tu. My beg ada dua je, one is my backpack with my netbook and impotant documents and necessities, and another was my overnight bag. Dua-dua akan masuk cabin, so sebenarnya buat rugi je bayar RM10 for cargo load.Tapi takpe la, tak kisah pun.
Anyway, ngam-ngam sangat sampai kat KL Central pun dalam pukul 8.10 and terus turun bawah nak naik shuttle bus the LCCT. Kebetulan bila dah settle, nampak pulak my gym friends Mike and Osman pun nak pegi ke LCCT sebab diorang nak terbang ke Bangkok. 8.30 the bus departed and around 10am cemtu sampaila kat LCCT.
Borak-borak kejap sambil menuju ke termina with Osman and Mike, then we parted ways sebab nak check in. I went to the domestic flight hall, then lepas check in and collected my boarding pass terus ronda-ronda nak carik breakfast. Lapar sangat masa tu. Pegi ke new wing tempat international departure, ternampak pulak MarryBrown. Sebab dah lama tak makan kat sini so I ordered a breakfast set. Tapi memang sengaja taknak makan kenyang sangat sebab tau nanti bila dah sampai Kuching I would definitely pegi makan dulu before balik rumah.
Masa tengah makan tu then Mike and Osman joined me sebab diorang pun dah ronda-ronda airport lepas check in. Kitorang lepak till it was time to go to our respective boarding halls.
Nak dipendekkan cerita, our flight was slightly delayed sebab pagi tu hujan lebat di Klang Valley, and so kapalterbang pun sampai lambat sikit. I reckon our flight only took off at around noon.
Bila sampai Kuching my sister dah tunggu, and immediately after that we went to have lunch. I was famished by then and she took me to Lock Ann Cafe di area Rubber Road/Green road untuk makan mihun belacan. Muhun belacan is actually another Kuching delicacy not (easily) found in the Klang Valley.
Anyway this is how mihun belacan looks like. Trust me the name could be deceiving. For those who think they might be put off by the name or the smell, fret not, the dish itself it not pungent nor is it too belacan-ish in flavour.

Lepas makan, ikut my sister run errands like collecting her baju kurung, then right away kitorang balik rumah my Pak Usu di Matang Jaya. Biasala bila dah buat kerja nak kawin ni, rumah pengantin sure la ramai orang. So jumpa la saudara mara, makcik-makcik, sepupu, etc kat sini. Bila sampai tengok mini pelamin dah siap, all the souvenirs pun dah siap. Jumpa Ida, the bride and she was in the midst of confirming the appointment with the inai artist. Chewahhh....hehehhehe...
OK, so the following will be pictures and more pictures. Dah malas la pulak nak cerita panjang-panjang ehhehehe...
Friday, 4/12/2009

Just some photos masa petang before the akad nikah-pasang inai and some scenes at the house. Malam tu baru balik ke my own house, penat sangat-sangat. Esoknya pulak pun kena bangun awal.
Saturday, 5/12/2009: Hari Akad NikahEsoknya majlis akad nikah, waktu petang dalam pukul 3.00 cemtu. Bestnya, makanan lauk tengahari tu jenis lauk kampung, ada ikan masin, nangka masak lemak, sambal asam, dan sambal goreng. Tak lama lepas tu pulak another anutie bawak cencalok. Rudi tak boleh nak masuk second round of the food jer. And punya la selera sampai tak sempat nak ambik gambar kitorang makan beramai-ramai.
Anyway bila majlis dah dekat so tukar baju pakai lawa-lawa sikit and mula sambut tetamu. OK la more pictures...

Sayu jugakla bila dah sampai bab akad nikah ni, especially bila Pak Usu lafaz akad wali. I was standing nearby taking pictures, and couldn't help shedding tears too.
Oh..and don't mind the last photo ada budak menyandar atas kerusi pelamin tu. That was my niece having her photo taken by my cousin. Budak-budak sekarang...macam orang dewasa kannnn???
Sunday, 6/12/2009: Hari BersandingSo this was the climax of the whole thing. Bila dah habis acara akad nikah the next day, seperti biasa kami tuan rumah la sibuk jugak mengemas apa-apa yang patut. Malam tu pun lewat jugak sampai kat rumah. Lepas settled down, mandi, etc, semua terus pengsan. Esoknya kena bangun awal tauu...
Esok paginya I was assigned to temankan my Mak Anjang to escort the pengantins to be our family's representative in berziarah ke majlis pihak lelaki while the rest of the family is already at the reception hall. Bukan apa, actually my cousin's husband's sister pun kahwin jugak weekend tu, so family diorang celebrate the wedding of both siblings la. The plan was I would temankan my aunt to majlis pihak lelaki before we proceeded to Dewan Pustaka Gallery where our side is having the reception. BTW Pustaka is the State Library which has a hall facility la. A very nice building overlooking a lake and taman. Usually masa musim orang kahwin ni, this is one of the hottest spots for the couple to have their photography sessions.
Some gambar, and I'm sure they explain everything ya?

Unfortunately, probably due to tiredness and also because of the weather, on this most important day my Dad pulak boleh demam. Petang hari akad nikah sambil layan tetamu dia terkena hujan. Bila balik malam tu dia dah mengadu kat my mum dia rasa tak sedap badan. Esoknya, he woke up with high fever, and tak boleh nak bangun. Kesian my Dad:(..Mum contemplated skipping the ceremony and stayed home, but he insisted that we all leave and go to the kenduri. So kitorang pun terpaksa la tinggalkan dia kat rumah to rest.
Tengahari tu bila majlis dah habis, my Mum went home right away and made plans with my cousin and her husband to take him to the clinic. But upon my cousin's checking (she's a dentist) they decided to take my dad to the hospital instead. They took him to the A&E and the doctor immediately admitted him for observation. Kitorang pulak lepas dah siap-siap kemas barang kat dewan, rehat kejap kat my uncle's place, then terus pegi hospital jugak. We waited there for a few hours, while waiting for Dad's blood test result, sebab takut demam denggi ke etc. Alhamdulillah, by around 5.30pm, the doctor confirmed that his blood showed nothing and that after masuk air sikit, he was cleared to go home. I was also anxious sebab my flight back to KL was later that night.
Anyway, all turned out OK and I made it back to KL on time. Penat tu memangla penat, but being there for my family made it all worthwhile.
Tu je some ramblings about my short trip home:)