This week has not been kind to me. I can only count two great things that happened, one being the house situation that I blogged about last Monday. The other one happened yesterday, which I will write later.
Wednesday was particularly a bad day. I was really busy at the office, running here and there as we had a photography session at the office, and I co-coordinated the whole session. Ended up leaving the office at around 6.10PM. That was OK by me (though I had planned to go to the gym after that for my 7.05PM class).
Once I reached Sunway,right after breezing through the SmartTag lane, there was a big jam getting towards the LDP Hanging Bridge. Via the electronic board found out that it was because of a stalled car. Oh well, c'est la vie, so I thought. Didn't expect I would be in that similar situation soon.
Whilst moving at a snail's pace there, I noticed that my cool aircond air had changed to hot smelly air. I started getting nervous, and I told myself that once I reached home, I'd definitely add water to the aircond tank or whatever you call to keep the engine cool. So I just winded down my window and switched off the aircond.
Then, just as I was driving down the Hanging Bridge, suddenly my engine went kaput, then dead! Just like that!! Allah mak!!Apa nak buat ni??? I started to panic, and tried to switch on my engine. I also quickly hit the hazard light button, indicating to the cars at the back that I was having a problem. To make matters worse, my phone ran out of battery. Alhamdulillah, soon after a young man on a bike stopped in front of me and looked back. I quickly waved to him, asking him for help.
Ala-ala lebih kurang macam ni la my car terberenti kat highway!:(
Oopss..pix courtesy of Google ya
I told him my phone battery went dead and I needed to make phone calls. Without hesitation, this adik took out his SIM card and lent me his phone. I called my friend who told me to call my car insurance hotline and ask for towing assistance. Around the same time, the highway patrol truck came and asked about my situation. I told them I don't know what went wrong and that I was calling for assistance. Memang panic gila la time tu! It was the first time something like this happened to me, so obviously I was panicking!
Then they got me to slide down and going to the left side of the road. Once I could not slide down any longer, the highway truck towed my car further up to a bus stop in front of the Western Digital factory.
I was faced with many choices on my next course of action. I could either get my insurance tow service to come and take it to the workshop, but only the ones in their panel, and which could only be examined on the next day. I didn't know the extent of damage, or failure to my car, so I thought if it could be rectified that night, I could waste the whole next day. Then I decided to just called up my friend's mechanic in Mutiara Damansara to have a look at my car. He then sent his tow truck to get my car. We waited for quite a while and in the mean time, I chatted with the young man who selflessly helped my out.
This adik's name is Farid, and he is a trainee at MPH in Midvalley. So if you go to to MPH Midvalley, please know that he is very kind and a well-raised kid. Congrats to his parents! He just completed his Mechanical Engineering diploma course in Terengganu, and currently training at MPH.
Anyway, once we reached the workshop, the mechanic examined my battery, but couldn't find anything wrong. Just when I thought I could leave and that it was just a minor damage or a false alarm, he found the real cause of my dead engine. It turned out that my engine broke down due to my own carelessness too, it was drying up!! The engine was on the verge of overheating, and it had to be thoroughly inspected. Kalau nasib lagi malang, kena overhaul!! Oh tidak!!!!!:((

Thanks Googs!
Once we settled everything, I asked my friend to come over and fetch us from there and send me home and Farid back to his bike which he left at the bus stop earlier. I could not thank Farid enough for his kindness. He didn't hesitate to help me when I needed help, eventhough we were strangers.
I only reached home at close to 11PM, and on the next day, yesterday, I had to take the emergency leave.
Then yesterday, I walked to Damansara Perdana commercial centre to go to a bank. On the way back home, as I walked on the sideway, I heard a loud wailing of a kitten from a drain. Thank god it was sunny yesterday. I found a kitten trapped in that drain, And I really have no idea how he got there.
If you know me, you'd know that I'm a regular kitten rescuer. Naturally I couldn't leave this little one behind, could I? Then as I was bending down calming the kitten down while trying to reach him through the iron cover, another young man on a motorbike stopped to ask what was going on. I asked him to help me retrieve the kitten.
After much persuasion, we managed to grab him by his tail and I took him. This young man also offered me a ride as he was heading towards the same direction. Alhamdulillah, thank God for making it easy for me to do good things to this little munchkin.
I brought him home, fed him (I always have my 'kitten rescue kit' on standby), bathed him and gave him a dose of deworm syrup.
So please, anyone out there, if you know of anyone who is looking to adopt a cat, please don't hesitate to adopt this one OK? This one deserves a loving home:)
Now that I'm reflecting back on the things that happened to me especially a couple of days ago, I don't know if it really has been a bad week for me. Sure, the blessings are aplenty-I could collect my house keys, and I rescued a kitten. But then again, the car problem overshadows other things.
On the other hand, I am really thankful for the help that I get when I was in my time of need, espcially by Adik Farid's willingness to stick by my side. His parents have indeed raised him well. He didn't have to do anything, he was just there for me. Sometimes, you never know how big an impact a stranger can have on you, and better still in the most unexpected ways. People whom you think you can always depend on may not have time, inclination, or capability to help you. The same thing for that young man who helped me to retrive that kitten from the drain. Had he not stop by, I might have to leave it behind cause I definitely could not reach down to get that baby. For that, I'm thankful that I always meet 'helpful' strangers instead of those who may have bad intention towards you. I pray to God that I'm always protected that way.
Anyway, enough rambles for this time. I will not spend my time and energy thinking too much about my misfortune this week, and instead count my blessings and praty that it cointinues. Have a great weekend everyone!