If you happen to read my blog, and if so happen that you also read my Twitter updates, once in a while you'd have read about my kids. Well, they're my furkids actually. SEVEN of them to be more precise.
Yes, I love cats, and I like to think that I'm a pretty responsible pet owner. I've already had them neutered and spayed, I make sure they live in clean and safe environment, they get their vaccination, deworm and proper treatment when it's required and in return, I get their unconditional love and affection.
How did our love story start?Here goes...;)
Throughout last year, I had a teaching stint at a tuition centre after work. Really needed to supplement my income. Ala...sekarang pun still tak cukup jugek;)..Anyway, one July evening, just as I arrived early before my class, up on that staircase I saw a new mother nursing her newly-born kittens. I immediately fell in love with her. That would be Mimi,who is now my beloved,loyal and devoted cat. She must be a loving mother, for imagine having to carry all her SIX kittens up the staircase just to ensure that they are safe.
Suffice to say, I decided there and then that I would take them home. The kittens had'nt even opened their eyes yet, so I reckon they should be around one week old at that time. Brought Mimi home, and so we started our life together as a family.

These are some of the photos of them during their first few days at home. The kids couldn't move properly at that time, and all of them could fit into that square basket. Kalau sekarang, sekor je boleh masuk tau!!

As time goes by, I also learn more and more about giving proper care to cats. I bought nutritious food for Mimi as it was important for her nursing kids, and I also toilet trained her by buying her litter sand. Nasib baik Mimi is really a fast learner. In fact, I practically did not have to tell her where to do her toilet business, she instinctively knew what to do and where to do them;)
When the kittens reached due weight, I had all of the vaccinated and dewormed by a vet. Sure, keeping pets can burn a hole in your pocket, but I wouldn't have them any other way. Tapi I believe that kalau kita sayang haiwan, kita bela kucing ni, Alhamdulillah rezeki pun tak putus. In fact, insyaAllah diorang pun doakan rezeki kepada kita.

The kids grew up so fast. Soon, they became very playful, and they started to eat solid food. I also bought them kibbles, and alhamdulillah, Mimi taught her kids how to use their litter properly. Tapi yang pening kepala ni kalau dah start nak panjat and bergayut. But still, their antics are very entertaining. Kalau tension kat office, kalau ada problem, kalau rasa sedih, tengok diorang je terus rasa lega, or at least, hati pun sejuk sikit.
The first time I had to leave them for a long time was for my Raya break. Nasib baik my office receptionist, who is a huge cat lover volunteered to help me look after these kids. So kena la pass kunci rumah kat Kak Nora, and she would come to top up their food and water supply. Terima kasih banyak-banyak kak!!Semoga Akak pun murah rezeki tolong anak-anak kucing kita ni kann?

Along the way, not only the kids were getting bigger.Mimi pun got bigger!!Right before Raya holiday, I got her spayed at the SPCA Clinik in Setapak. Since then, Mimi became more manja, ate more and generally is leading a very contented life;)
Life went on as usual, minggu berganti bulan, bulan berganti tahun. Cats generally reach maturity age at around six months of age. I knew that before my kids become agitated and started behaving raunchily (?), I knew I had to do something. So then I brought Chikedis, Dodo and Dedek to Setapak to be spayed too. Now the girls are fixed, but what about the boys? Takpe...the boys can wait a bit longer. Benda cemni nak kena pakai duit jugak tau...
OK layan lagi gambar diorang yang makin besar..

In the meantime, I also rescued two kittens at my buiding. They were in a really bad shape. Took them to the vet and was advised accordingly on proper care. But sadly, one of them (ironically the stronger one when I took them) died not long after. The following week tu, my receptionist asked me to rescue another kitten kat office, so these two then bonded together as siblings. Back home, at first Mimi and her kids were not too happy with the presence of the new members of the family. They would growl and hissed at these kittens. But lama-lama, mungkin sebab dah biasa, dan bau masing-masing pun dah serasi, Mimi accepted Aboy and Gegerl ( as I called them) and even adopted them. She would let them snuggle up to her when sleeping, and she would also lick these kids for a good grooming time. The boys had a harder time to accept, but the girls took on them and accepted them just as when Mimi started to show some affection to Aboy and Gegerl.

Not long after that, I had to give up Gegerl and Aboy as I needed to surrender them to their adoptive parents, which happens to be my colleague. Memang she wanted to adopt these two after her wedding, so once she was settled, she collected them at the office. It was really hard to let them go as I had grown attached to them too, tapi sebab dah janji dengan orang kan...Janji these two babies are in good hands, dah syukur sangat-sangat. Even now pun kekadang dapat jugak progress report from my colleague ni, she said both of them are growing up to be well, sihat and happy. Alhamdulillah..Tapi tu la, lepas je bagi budak-budak ni kat mak baru dia, terus demam hehehhe...Demam rindu kot...
Anyway Mimi and her kids pun macam biasa je kat rumah. They're very well-fed I reckon, and anybody who's seen them always couldn't believe that these cats are just over a year old. Besar sangat-sangat dah, especially Abang. Mimi pun bulat, so now I need to watch how much she eats.

So that's the (extremely) long story of me, Mimi and her kids, and also, along the way of rescuing a couple of kittens. Pray that I have the resouces to keep them and love them and protect them OK??And please love animals just as you would your own child. If you do have your own pets, please treat them nicely, and be a responsible owner;)