So pagi Sabtu, dalam lebih kurang 5.30 pagi lepas bersahur kitorang pun bertolak dari KL ke KB. I volunteered the use of my car, but throughout the journey Nina drove;)...Malas nak drive sebenarnya...
Time kitorang bergerak, it was still dark. Tapi best jugak, jalan was clear, kereta pun tak berapa banyak. Then sesaje je ambik gambar Nina tengah driving. Saje jer...Jauh perjalanan tu, 6 jam tau!!!Dah takde keja nak buat, godek-godek camera la....
Sampai ke Kota Bharu dalam lebih kurang pukul 11.30 pagi, tapi tak boleh nak rehat right away. Lepak-lepak dulu, ada hajat nak ganti tidur tapi sebab cuaca agak panas, and memang susah sikit nak tido kalau siang-siang ni, so still tak boleh jugak tidur. Last-last kitorang keluar and went to her brother's place to hang out. Turn out that later we were invited to berbuka puasa kat sana, so we helped out in preparing the food. By then it was raining really heavily. We wanted to go to the nearby Kok Lanas punyer pasar ramadhan, kena pulak la park dekat dengan gerai-gerai tu. Best tengok selection of food available, tapi sebab sesak, orang ramai and it was raining cats and dogs, segan pulak nak ambik gambar. We got some kuih, and I bought this sotong sumbat. Mahal sangatla pulak cosidering its small size-RM2.00 sekor, tapi curious punyer pasal beli jugak la...
The next day was Sunday, and we had a really lazy morning. Only in the afternoon tu kitorang keluar ke bandar sebab I wanted to look for a few things like mum's tudung and such. Lepas ronda-ronda and we got what we needed, by then pun dah lebih kurang pukul 3. Kat sana Ahad hari bekerja, but since bulan Ramadhan ni maybe office staff balik awal. Tambah-tambah ramai jugak Kelantanese folks living in KL pun balik kampung jugak, so memang KB weekend tu agak sesak.
So we figured if we drove back we should reach Kok Lanas around 4++, which is just nice and we can go to the pasar ramadhan. Tapi kan...tapi kan...Since jalan ada banyak kereta, so perjalanan pun agak slow la. Tambah-tambah kalau berenti kat traffic light it was a veryyy long wait. So tau apa kitorang buat????
Petang tu bila dah sampai di Kok Lanas we went to the pasar ramadhan right away. Banyak jugak barang kitorang beli sebab bagitau orang kat rumah tak payah masak. I bought ayam golek for the family and air dragon fruit (my favourite fruit!). Then we also singgah Nina's sister's house and delivered the food we got for them, as well as petik buah salak which is just outside her house. Nina la hantu buah salak!! But I also like them. Kalau buat jeruk pun sedappp...:)
Early on Monday, around 8.00AM we left KB for KL. Along the way, again I took some photos of the scenery. Takpe bagi blog ni hijau sikit ya..
We reached KL at around 2.30-3PM cemtu then headed to her place. Lepak-lepak kejap at her place, catch up on some nap and then around 6PM I left for home. I missed my babies...Boy were they glad to see me home again, although ada yang buat-buat merajuk kat Mummy. It's OK...I missed you guys too...:D

next time gi Kelate... singgah pasir mas, dtg umah i ok... :)
ReplyDeletewah.. lamak dah ku meninggalkan kelantan
ReplyDeleteHoccay Leo..Mana tau boley rasa nasik minyak Kelate;;)
ReplyDeletePak Dukun:Polah di Kelate?Study sia kah...Kelate I like!!