So how's everyone? Still in Raya mood? I know I am. But missing Kuching too...
Raya mood: 100%, working mood: 0%.. Hahahha...
First of all, and I hope it's not too late, but I would like to say Happy Eid to whoever reading this entry, maaf zahir dan batin too. And I hope everyone had a good celebration, and great time spent with family and friends.
Alhamdulillah, we went through Ramadhan kareem without much problem, and even now, I miss this holy month still. Let's pray semoga kita berjumpa bulan Ramadhan lagi next year ok? InsyaAllah...
But alas, once Ramadhan is over, Syawal is here, and it's time to celebrate our Ramadhan victory. I flew home to Kuching on 3 August, yes I know a bit early, but well, I was really eager to get home this year. No specific reason, just that I miss Kuching and my family extra this time round.
Took loads of photos, cooked loads of food, and spent lots of time with friends too. Lemme just share everything in pictures, shall I?
Dalam kepala asyik nyanyi lagu 'Balik Kampung'!!!
Our lampu Raya. Good time to play around with my camera too!
Tumis kari and kacau rendang!
My signature dish - daging masak merah
Pagi Raya, went to my auntie's house nearby and had a bit of Raya breakfast there. This is my niece, Nurin Jazlina. Ye.. nama dekat-dekat sangat dengan the famous arwah Nurin Jazlin kan?
Our living room deco. Simple je...
Some family portraits and memories
A unique Kuching Raya experience would be eating keropok ikan with acar timun. Just to get away from all the normal fatty/santan-y Raya food
Reconnect with school friends, most already with family of their own.
Then, on 14 August I flew back to KL, albeit with major reluctance. But the celebration and time to reconnect our silaturrahim with friends doesn't end. This time, celebration with friends in KL..
Oh well, Raya sebulan, more time to meet up with friends and bond with them ehh?
That's all for now. Selamat hari raya everyone!