Must admit that yes, this new place is much much busier than the old place. I should've been confirmed by now, but my new Boss, as usual, does not seem to take any urgency into this yet. Oh well, sooner or later it will happen, InsyaAllah...
(Any other things I have in mind of her shall be in my own confidence, takut kantoi kang, bahaya kan..?)
Anyways, as it is towards the end of the year, that perpetual Year-End-Blues is setting in. The laziness towards work is stronger, but because of the many tasks to fulfill, have to suck it all up and muster the strength and the mental will to do them. If I had my way, I'll just spend the day surfing the net, catch up on my blog-hoppings, FB-ing and many other more interesting things but work. I guess it's the same sentiment with anybody else.
And oh yeah..of doing the year-end reflections. Flashes of memory of what 2010 has been to me keep popping up now and then, but I guess right now I can't afford the time to recount them. Perhaps in another entry when I'm relaxed at home.
Yes, 2010 has been an indeed eventful year for me. The biggest would of course, be finally moving in my own place. That is really something huh? And to think that I did all that all alone, without sharing the responsibility with a MAN, and without my relying on my family pitching in, money-wise, is something that I'm proud of. Of course, the family helped in other matters, especially when I'm moving in, but that doesn't count. So I guess, yes, I do have valid reasons to be proud of myself:)
This is just a rambling to take the steam off the work, so hope I can make a new entry very very soon. Promise!
Till then...