For some reason, minggu lepas mood nak update blog nan hado! Banyak gak cerita, but the situation at the office was pretty hectic. Sibuk nak habiskan kerja before everyone is off for the Raya holiday.
Speaking of which, I CAN'T WAIT TO FLY HOME!!!
(Thanks Googs)Hehehe..syiok le tu! Anyway I'll be flying back to Kuching on 8 September 2010, catching the 11.40AM flight departing from KLIA. So kot sesapa kenal ke, jangan le malu-malu nak tegur!!Hahahha...(Ada ke yang baca blog ni?). I'll be home for only a week, and fly back to KL on Wednesday 15 September, which gave me ample time on the 16th to rest and prehaps, beraya kat KL pulak. Memang niat di hati nak beli return ticket on 16,but since I bought my ticket pretty late (last month baru beli!) so harga pun dah mahal!
So right now, preparation for Raya is pretty much done. Baju baru dah beli, biskut dah beli (semua main tunjuk-tunjuk je. Nak gak buat sendiri, tapi since balik 2 hari before Raya, rasanya tak sempat), kasut je belum. Err...nak kena beli jugak ke kasut baru? We'll see. Otherwise kalau tak sempat, I have lots of other shoes boleh pakai:)
OK next story, last week I was occupied, or rather,my family was pretty occupied with the arrival of our new bundle of joy. My preggy cousin gave birth to a baby boy on 23 August. Oh he's so adorable! And his name is Addin Riffqi. So I've been visiting them almost everyday as I also transported my aunt, and later my uncle from the airport, taking them for Raya shopping and such.

Riffqi, 2 hours after delivery via C-sec

He made his appearance way earlier than the EDD actually, but at least that enabled his parents to take him home to Kuching just in time for Raya. Smart boy!:)
On the other hand, ye lah yelah
Qies aku jawab tag ko ni!! Hehheh...Terima kasih sebab kasik award kat aku okeh! Tapi sambil dapat award kena jawab soklan plak tu. Ishh...

Thank you Mem Swiss. Ko jangan lupa hadiah aku ko nak balik Raya ni tau! Hikkss...
1. Apakah yang bermain di minda anda sekarang?
Errmm...seriously? Right now just pikir nak habiskan entry ni, so that lepas tu nak mandi:). But generally, I'm thinking about nak kena packing barang nak bawak balik kampung Rabu ni hehehhe..
2. Apakah nama samaran anda?
Nama samaran? Err..sama ke dengan nama panggilan? Ok kalau samaran, kat forum I'm known as Mizz..., kat blog plak my alter-ego is Ray, but in real life usually people call me by the first syllable of my name, Sue. Apasal banyak sangat nama? Hmm..Ntahla, tak tau;)
3. Siapakah 3 orang yang paling kamu sayang?
Aiks 3 je?? Mana cukup! Parents, family, friends. Nahh!!..3 kategori okehh!!
4. Panggilan untuk si dia?
Hmm..not applicable la. But when we were still together, I called him 'Deng' ('Sayang' in general Bahasa Melayu Sarawak), or Sayang or Baby. Anybody would like to be my next 'Deng'? Hehheh..
5. Hadiah yang anda impikan daripada seseorang yang istimewa?
Nope I have no idea. Not applicable too? But if it were to be from anybody, could you guys nominate my apartment for a makeover macam dalam Casa Impian tu? Nanti I'll act surprise la...;;)
6. Blog mana yang anda selalu lawat?
Yang masuk list kat sebelah kanan tu---------------------->>>> Kalau nak masuk list tu jugak, sudi-sudikan tinggalkan request or shoutout yer;)
7. TAG kan kepada 15 blogger?
Aiyakk..ni yang den malas nih!! Errr...boleh tak just bagi general award ni kat sesapa yang sudi? Dipersilakan la terima awrd ni and pass it along ya!
OK mek, aku dah buat assignment ko tu! Hamboi-hamboi ko promo abang baju merah aku kat orang lain yer??? Hahhahahah..Takpe, dah dia nak yang berhijab je, rasanya aku pun kena tendang keluar la ekkss;)
Ok peeps, that's all for now. This is my cacamerba entry for today. Perhaps the next time you hear from me I'd be in Kuching already. But whatever it is..
Selamat Hari Raya to everyone, Maaf Zahir dan Batin! As we bid adeau to Ramadhan, let's welcome Syawal by extending our thankkfulness and syukur to Allah for giving us the opportunity to serve him more during Ramadhan and for the celebration that is Syawal. Let us all forge closer silaturrahim to our brothers and sisters, forgive each other and seek forgiveness, remember the ones who are gone and offer them our prayers and zakat and rememberance for their afterlife.
Salam Eid Mubarak!
(from Google, thanks!)